Sunday, August 31, 2008

UNI student

What’s make a UNI student so UNIQUE nowadays? In our crucial society, there are certain requirements you have to achieve to be an UNI student:
1) Guts
2) Creativity
3) Active
4) Friendship
5) Able to speak out your own voice
6) Able to handle stress
7) Realistic

8) Good role model

Still BLUR what I’m talking about? See the pic below, and then only you can get my points.

(p/s: I'm not appeared in the pics above coz i havent completely achieve the requirements that i mentioned just now....hehe... -.-)


Unknown said...

OMG!! This post is super funny ok??? hahahaha...LOVE IT~!! Thanks for sharing with us~^^

Reanaclaire said...

hi...i really look twice at the pictures.. u are all so creative.. the pictures all real one ah? not superimposed, right? so cute.. i really miss my younger days.. we dont hv this kind of creativity then..haha