Monday, September 8, 2008

As* Hole Continue To "BARK"

Today, our FAMOUS AS* HOLE politician, AH-MAD IS MAIL make a "BIG BARK" to WARN all the CHINESE, DO NOT CROSS THE RED-LINE.....What i can say, he seems very provoked to promote a RACIST FIGHT in our country, izit he get PAID??? In HIS LAUZY SPEECH CONTENT.....HE KEEP ON telling everyone that he is NOT a RACIST.......SEE HIS LAUZY SPEECH below then judge for yourself, whether HE is a RACIST or NOT???
Here's the VIDEO of AH-MAD IS MAIL in the press conference:

Here's the EXPLANATION make by that AS* HOLE after provoked a HUGE POLITIC CHAOS in our country:

1 comment:

3snow said...

Haha...nvm, i like straight forward comment...yup, he born without as*, 1st blamed the media, nw blamed the chinese, later on?? Blame the whole world except himself? Come on, so old d, still not mature...i wonder how he ll be a representive of UM*O???