How's bout this one?

Like this one?
NOPE, it's not that BAD either, I would say it's "A BIT" better. Here are some conclusion for my "HOME SWEET HOME" house conditions, that's WORTH for RM900:

My house in a very "STRATEGIC" location, a very "GOOD ENVIROMENT" to live on. You just need to walk about "10-15MINUTES" to the nearest shop lots to but things or to fetch univercity buses, can do some exercise before you go for study, good for our health, not bad at all. BUT, here is something that I didn't mention just now. Everyday early morning, when you open the main wooden door, you can smell the pure "FRESH AIR" directly from the surroundings.
NOT this kind of "FRESH AIR" lah,'s the "FRESH AIR" that generated by our "friendly" neighbor's pets, not one, not two, but three of his favourite pets (DOGS). Every morning, you can see many "ORGANIC BOMS" layout on our neighbor's floor....then when the wind blows, the "FRESH AIR" will totally REFRESH your mind while you are still in sleepy mode.

Oops....forgot to mention our "friendly" neighbor, our "friendly" neighbor was a "BIG BUSY" family, they usually went out at 7a.m early morning, then only come back on 7p.m, SO in the mean time, the "FRESH AIR" will continuously supply to my house for the past 12 hours. Sometimes when they came back, they won't even bother the "ORGANIC BOMS" that "birth" by their pets, they just closed the sliding doors & ON the air cond in house, what a "GENEROUS" neighbor!