But WHY? WHY I call him MR. BIG MOUTH instead of MR. BIG BUTT?? Any idea cross your mind? The answer is he'll always tell many BULLSH*T reason or HIS GOD D*MN PHILOSPHY everytime using his MOUTH. No matter how hard you point out his fault, he ll explain or lecture you till you bored & surrender, that's why I call him as MR. BIG MOUTH!!!
He got a very good principle, a very FAIR principle, that was, ALL THE THING HE SAY IS THE RIGHT, IS THE RULE & ALL THE THINGS YOU SAY IS WRONG, you don't have the right to speak once, acting like he is the KING of the house, what a FAIR RULE inside my house.

What's our MR. BIG MOUTH usualy do? Study, see manga, chating in msn, eating, play games, bluffing....dll....seems like all the stuffs i mentioned just now didn't offence anyone, right? NOPE, some of his acts are really annoying. He so love to play games & bluffing during the final exam study weeks, expecially with our MR. G that i mentioned in the 1'st post, they really don't give a damn care you study or not, they just SHOUT as HAPPY they can, as long as they happy, that's already enough!!! You might wonder why they not study during the study week, right? The reason is they already finish study, so they won't give a DAMN CARE about the people who did not, that's a really unique "NON-SELFISH" personality only available in my house, you can't find it anywhere. Besides that, MR. BIG MOUTH always so co-operate with MR. G in everything, play games / bluffing / eating / traveling...dll, until sometimes I think MR. BIG MOUTH ll go lick MR. G's bal*s.

That's all I wana mentioned about two "UNIQUE CREATURES" in my house, thanks for viewing. I'll be moving out next semester, so GOOD LUCK to "MR.G" & "MR. BIG MOUTH"!!!